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May 18, 2008

American fury in the Philippines.III / Tondo

The line having been formed, the bugle sounded "Forward," and the
advance commenced. Firing began almost immediately and soon became
very warm. The Mausers could be heard on all sides, and it was
impossible to ascertain where the bullets came from, as smokeless
powder was being used by the enemy. Our men became a little nervous
under this flank fire, and we halted before we had proceeded more than
one hundred yards, the men taking refuge behind a stone wall. Seeing
that nothing could be done until this flank fire by the sharpshooters
had been stopped, and as it seemed to be coming from the native huts,
I sent out orders to burn all the huts, and to advance again, slowly,
burning the huts as we proceeded.

Report of Maj. Percy Willis, Second Oregon U. S. Volunteer Infantry, of Pursuit of Insurgents in Tondo, February 23, 1899.

Title: The official records of the Oregon volunteers in the Spanish war and Philippine insurrection.
Author: Oregon. Adjutant-General's Office.

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